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Collect Data

Stage 3 of the cycle is “Collect Data.” In this stage, students will develop research questions to help them move from having an issue to conducting an inquiry.


They will learn about different forms of data collection, develop a data collection plan, and go out into the world to collect their data! The resources below are scaffolded and differentiated to support you and your students in this process.

Collect Data

Activity: Knowledge is Power

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will define social science and understand the power of social science research to make change happen.
Collect Data

Activity: Allies, Opponents, and Decision Makers

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will discuss and identify who can give them information about their topic, and who has power and influence in community and school decision making.
Collect Data

Activity: Research Round Robin

In this 60-90 minute lesson plan, students will learn basic social science research methods and understand the pros and cons of using each method.
Collect Data

Activity: Choose Your Research Method

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will identify methods to use in collecting data for their research topic. This activity follows the Research Round Robin activity.
Collect Data

Activity: How to Do a Good Interview

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-60 minutes), students will learn how to do an effective interview and gain self-confidence as interviewers.
Collect Data

Activity: Interview Protocol Development

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-60 minutes), students will create interview questions for their research project and interview each other for the purpose of practicing, testing, and revising their protocol.
Collect Data

Activity: Focus Group Facilitation

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will learn strategies for running a successful focus group and agree on a focus group protocol.
Collect Data

Activity: Survey Basics and Protocol Development

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will learn how to create a survey and develop a draft survey protocol.
Collect Data

Activity: Planning for Data Collection

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students and educators will create a timeline for their research and action project.
Collect Data

Métodos de investigación Pros y contras BLANCO (Research Methods Pros and Cons Worksheet BLANK)

Student-facing graphic organizer, to fill out the pros and cons of each research method. Can be used to accompany students during the research round-robin activity.
Collect Data

Grupos focales, Encuestas, y Entrevistas (Focus Group, Surveys and Interivews Station Instructions)

Teacher-facing lesson plan: Instructions for three "stations", each offering student the opportunity to learn about and practice Focus Groups, Surveys, and Interview research methods.
Collect Data

Carta de introducción a la encuesta - Ejemplo (Survey Introduction Letter - Example)

Example text to introduce a survey to students and to teachers.
Collect Data

Actividad de encuesta (Survey Station Activity)

Sample survey about school safety. Part of the materials for the survey-station activity in the research round-robin.
Collect Data

Reglas para la escucha activa (Active Listening Skills)

Explanations of active listening skills for successful interviewing.
Collect Data

Preguntas sobre la estación de entrevistas (Interview Station)

Getting-to-know-you questions. Part of the "interivew station" activity in the research round-robin.
Collect Data

Formulario de consentimiento para la entrevista (Interview Consent Form)

Sample interview consent form.
Collect Data

Tipos de preguntas de la encuesta (Types of Survey Questions)

Example of survey questions (yes or no, scale, multiple choice, open, etc.). Helpful guide for students designing surveys for data collection.
Collect Data

Consejos para realizar encuestas en entornos escolares (Tips for Surveying in School Settings)

A list of tips for conducting surveys at school.
Collect Data

Normas de confidencialidad (Confidentiality Guidelines)

Reminders about confidentiality during data collection - what it means, why it's important, and how to protect it.
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