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Communicate Results & Act

In Stage 5 of the cycle, “Communicate Results and Act,” your students will determine and share recommendations to create meaningful impact.


This section has lessons on different forms of communication and action and how to  connected with stakeholders throughout the research process. The resources below are scaffolded and differentiated to support you and your students in this process!

Communicate Results and Act

Activity: Recommendations

In this 90 minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will turn their data analysis and findings into recommendations and prioritize their top recommendations.
Communicate Results and Act

Activity: Goals and Audiences

In this 90 minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will identify target audiences for their findings and recommendations.
Communicate Results and Act

Activity: Advocacy, Activism, and Education: Round Robin

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will consider different forms of action for sharing their fi ndings and recommendations, and think about how those forms of action fit within the larger social action landscape.
Communicate Results and Act

Activity: Products and Presentation Tools: Round Robin

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will learn about different media and determine appropriate forms for sharing their findings and recommendations (and carrying out their selected strategies) with their identifi ed audiences. By the end of this session, youth will identify products and presentation tools they will use in their campaign.
Communicate Results and Act

Activity: Speaking in Public and Making Presentations

In this 90-minute lesson plan (adaptable from 45-90 minutes), students will learn basic components of a good presentation and improve the quality of their oral presentation skills by practicing with a partner and learn how to give and receive effective feedback.
Communicate Results and Act

Consejos para buenas presentaciones (Tips for great presentations)

Student-facing resource; a collection of tips for giving engaging presentations.
Communicate Results and Act

Hoja de entrenamiento y evaluación para los presentadores (Personal Coaching and Feedback Sheet for Presenters)

Teacher-facing resource: a rubric to evaluate studnets on presentation skills.
Communicate Results and Act

Actividad: Mala presentacion practica (Bad Presentation Role Play)

Activity: practice presentations by asking students to read text while employing "bad" presentation skills. A short, funny, impactful activity.
Communicate Results and Act

Lista de habilidades (Presentation Skills Check List)

For students or teachers: a list of presentation skills for successful presentations.
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